John Foristall, founder and director of The Natural Existence was a practicing psychotherapist for over 30 years. He has been coaching people towards healthier lifestyles for over 32 years.
Moreover, he has conducted weekly, outpatient group therapy for 15 years. In his private practice in Bethel, Connecticut, Mr. Foristall served as a deeply involved spiritual coach, specializing in family, marriage, adolescent, addiction and employee assistance counseling.
Mr. Foristall also served for years as the director of an Employee Assistance Program for a Fortune 500 company. Prior to that, Mr. Foristall was a well-respected staff member of one of the nation™s most prestigious psychiatric hospitals.
In addition to the œNew Beginnings weekends, which he and his wife Eileen have conducted for more than 19 years, Mr. Foristall has conducted personal development workshops, entitled: œPsychology for Well People, throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut. These workshops are designed to help individuals to take responsibility for their lives, and to set and strive for worthwhile, predetermined goals.